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Career in Kleinheubach: My first days at ERBACHER the food family

Celine Hörst from Amorbach has applied for a job in the "People & Culture" department at ERBACHER the food family in Kleinheubach. The family business, founded in 1941 as Josera in Weilbach, has been a pioneer and trailblazer for sustainable nutrition in the region for decades and now has around 800 employees worldwide. Anyone who joins the company begins a long, exciting journey. Always with them: a bright blue rucksack and fellow travelers eager to provide information. 

ERBACHER the food family is well known in Amorbach. The family business is an important employer in the region. "And has a good reputation. I know some people who have been working there for years. And very happy," says Celine Hörst from Amorbach, a new member of the team at ERBACHER the food family.

The 26-year-old studied business administration in Aschaffenburg, gained professional experience in recruitment and now wants to hit the ground running in the recruitment department at ERBACHER the food family. Celine explains her decision by saying that the many years of cooperation and satisfaction of her friends who already work there was one reason for applying to the company in Kleinheubach. "That speaks volumes for a company in this day and age". And: "A good work-life balance, great benefits, security, family spirit and sustainable products? It all sounded promising," says Celine. She has long been associated with the Josera brand, which belongs to the company: It is the favorite food of her golden retriever Rina.


On a family trip with a backpack 

The Amorbach native applied via the website. With success: "It took just one week from the first interview to being accepted". Celine then had her first day of work at ERBACHER the food family in December 2023. She was impressed by the onboarding process from day one: "You're not thrown in at the deep end here," she says. On the contrary: the company does a lot to make new employees feel at home right from the start: "My desk was lovingly decorated, which was a sweet welcome gift from my new team," recalls Celine. "I was also introduced to my two mentors: lovely colleagues who were there to help and advise me in the early days. I was given my laptop, shown where to get the delicious muesli produced in-house and where to get the free coffee. And I was given a stylish rucksack."

Der knallblaue Rucksack, ein fester Bestandteil des Onboardings bei ERBACHER the food family. Von der Willkommensmappe mit allen wichtigen Infos zum Nachschlagen bis zur hochwertigen Trinkflasche: Er enthält alles, was für einen guten Start wichtig ist. Und steht symbolisch für den Beginn der Reise innerhalb des Unternehmens. „Dass hier auf eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit gesetzt wird, merkt man sofort“, sagt Celine: Für die Einarbeitung nimmt man sich Zeit und geht gründlich vor. Und danach geht die Reise erst richtig los: Denn bei ERBACHER the food family ist jeder dazu eingeladen, sich fachlich und in Führungspositionen weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu stehen viele Weiterbildungsangebote zur Verfügung, die selbstständig genutzt werden können.


Meeting at eye level 

Celine's journey began with getting to know as many people and departments within the company as possible. "I was given exciting insights into production, got to know other new employees in workshops and was allowed to ask lots of questions everywhere," says Celine. "It quickly became clear that people here meet at eye level. That's something very special." The fact that the family spirit is really lived at ERBACHER the food family also inspires her, says Celine. And: "I think it's great that they really kept their word. Everything they promised in the job interview is being put into practice. Great!" 

As a budding expert in the field of People & Culture, Celine naturally keeps a particularly close eye on application and induction processes, she reveals. Her verdict: "It's really well organized here".


Dog-friendly working conditions

Not only can Celine ask her supervisors and mentors questions at any time, they also look after her well-being: "They regularly ask how I'm doing and what else I need to get off to a good start. That's great," she praises.

And how is she doing after a few weeks at ERBACHER the food family? "Super! I'm absolutely thrilled in every respect. The corporate culture, the onboarding, the team - great! I'm looking forward to everything that's to come," says Celine. 

In future, she will be recruiting new employees herself and supporting them during the onboarding process. "I can really recommend everyone to apply," she concludes. "Job advertisements can be found on our website and the application process is very straightforward. We also welcome unsolicited applications at any time if no suitable job is currently advertised." Incidentally, Celine's dog Rina welcomes her new job just as much as her owner does: "Thanks to fair rules regarding working hours and location, we don't miss out on our extensive walks," laughs Celine. "And he can even come into the office with us!"

Career in Kleinheubach: My first days at ERBACHER the food family

Picture of Celine Hörst