Protect habitats for chimpanzees

Protect habitats for chimpanzees

In order to make further progress on our path to carbon neutrality, we recently signed a cooperation agreement with Carbon Tanzania and myclimate, which enables direct collaboration with local partners.
The organisation takes care of forest conservation on an area of over 500,000 hectares in the Tanganyika district, which borders the Mahale Mountains National Park. The largest chimpanzee population in East Africa also lives there.
Their habitat is threatened by illegal logging and slash-and-burn agriculture due to the high consumption of wood and charcoal.
So-called REDD+ projects (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), such as Carbon Tanzania’s new climate protection project, pass on the money paid for emission certificates to the village communities in order to make tree felling unattractive for the inhabitants by establishing alternative sources of income.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Thorsten Seemüller

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